(Wabash, IN) One of the patients at LifeBridge Senior Program at Parkview Wabash, wrote a poem expressing their gratitude for the staff of the program. The poem read:
Amazing Amy, Janine, Rachel, Deb how sweet your sounds
That saved a hurting woman like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found.
Was blind, but now I see.
Twas Amy who taught me how to think and feel,
And Janine my health fears relieved.
How precious did Rachel behave
The hour she first appeared
Through many clipboards and questionnaires
Deb and I have already come.
This Rachel that brought me silverware and water,
Does with grace, lead me to the group door.
Janine, when you’ve been here 10,000 hours –
Bright, shining as the sun –
You’ll have no less light to cast
Than when you first began.
Amazing Amy, how sweet you sound
When you listen to me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found.
Was blind, but now I see.