(Winamac, IN) The Senior Care program at Pulaski Memorial Hospital began hosting “Coffee Hours” again for the month of May. After over 2 years of COVID restrictions not allowing the program to host Coffee Hours, they are finally able to reinstate it. Senior Care’s Coffee Hour takes place every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month for seniors in the community, including past and present clients of the Intensive Outpatient Program. The program staff also encourages attendees to bring a friend. They provide free coffee, tea and hot chocolate to attendees along with an opportunity to socialize with the program staff and their peers.
Senior Care Program Director, Mindy Shidler, says, “We want our population to get back to socializing and feel safe as well.” The program is sending out quarterly newsletters with mental health information from the program therapist, Richard Voorhees. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Senior Care staff have requested feedback from community members on coping skills they have utilized to respond to stressors they have faced. Program staff said, “COVID has impacted all of out lives and people have reacted differently.” The program plans to compile all the feedback they receive into a resource booklet that everyone can share. All respondents will be entered into a random drawing for copies of the book, “Telling Yourself the Truth” along with a wellness item.

Mindy Shidler, RN and Program Director (pictured) at Pulaski Memorial’s Senior Care Program in Winamac, IN attended the local Senior Community Resource Expo at the Winamac town park. She was able to provide information on the senior program including handout and door prizes. The Senior Care program recently started back up their monthly coffee hour program, which they shared information on at the expo along with specifics on how to help older adults with mental health challenges. This event was open to the public and saw great attendance from community members including many local seniors and community volunteers.
UltraGroup is proud of the efforts the Senior Care program has made to raise awareness about mental health and their program.
