Along with Philip Cook, Director of Inpatient Services, Karen Fauer, UltraGroup CFO, paid a visit to Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Arkansas, in August 2016. The trip was a success and resulted in a feasibility study to open a new adult behavioral health unit, as well as growth prospects for the existing geriatric unit. The market study was very favorable and eventually BRMC partnered with UG to manage the 19-bed geriatric unit as well as develop a 16-bed adult unit.
After months of preparation, the BRMC Adult Behavioral Health Unit opened on April 4, 2018 and admitted three patients! Key players in the unit’s development and operation are Jodi Leeker, LCSW, Program Director and Crystal Brightwell, RN, Clinical Nursing Director. Jodi and Crystal serve as leaders for both the adult and geriatric unit and coordinate efforts with Dr. Tom Foster, Medical Director of both units.
The northern, middle Arkansas region has significant needs for mental health services. Baxter is a well respected regional hospital that is growing to meet the healthcare needs of its community.