(Corydon, IN) Monika Kieslich, RN is the Program Director for Harrison County Hospital Senior Care program. She has served as Program Director for 3 years and as an RN for over 20 years. Monika went to Nursing School in Germany at the University of Wuerzburg and moved to the United States with her husband in 1990. She previously worked in the medical intensive care unit at the University of Louisville. Monika has worked at Harrison County Hospital for over 12 years. She started as a PRN nurse in the Emergency Department, transferred to Ambulatory Care and later Wound Care until she advanced to her current position. Monika is very passionate about their patients and the Senior Care Program overall. She enjoys working with the elderly and treasures the role as their nurse. She lives in Brandenburg with her husband. Together they own a horse farm and offer boarding and horse training. They also own a martial arts club, Toshi Dojo, in Brandenburg since 1998. Monika is a black belt in judo and recently earned her National Coach certificate. Her hobbies include gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping, horseback riding, and being outdoors.
UltraGroup is tremendously lucky to have such a caring and compassionate leader for the Senior Care Program at Harrison County Hospital. From all of us at UltraGroup, thank you for all that you do for this program and your patients.
