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UG Bulletin Board

November CMH Senior Life Solutions Bulletin Board

November’s Bulletin Board theme was 30 Days of Thankfulness. We encouraged staff members to write something they were thankful for on the feathers of the turkey. We included facts about gratitude and placed them around the feathers of the turkey.

December CMH Senior Life Solutions Bulletin Board

December’s Bulletin Board theme was “The Best Gift is a Referral”. We constructed a snowman, and then placed gifts around him with facts about our program, mental health disorders we treat, and what kind of insurance our program accepts.

January CMH Senior Life Solutions Bulletin Board

January’s Bulletin Board theme was “Don’t Have a Meltdown”. We recycled our snowman and showcased him melting. Ways to prevent a meltdown include: grounding techniques, positive self-talk, learning to keep your cool, seeking support, positive affirmations, journaling, and exercise.

February CMH Senior Life Solutions Bulletin Board

February’s Bulletin Board theme was “Healthy Heart, Healthy Mind”. We included Risk Factors and Ways to Move Toward a Healthier Heart. We chose to incorporate our CMH Logo as part of this board.

(Information for this board was taken from “Healthy Brain, Healthier Heart” by Kelly Bilodeau, Former Executive Editor, Harvard’s Women’s Health Watch. ).

Karen Price, Rachel Allen, Sara Barrientos



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